in our fun, friendly drop-in classes
8:15pm - 9:15pm Beginner
8:15pm - 9:15pm Basics & Beyond
Every Wednesday
VFW Post 529
Learning west coast swing is a fun way to meet new friends and get moving! We offer a variety of drop-in classes and series classes for your learning enjoyment. Our classes have something for everyone, from the “never-danced-before” beginner, to the “I’ve got my basics” dancer, to the “give me more tricks” dancer.
West coast swing is a living dance, a street dance, and an art form above all else. Progress is never quite linear like in syllabized ballroom styles of dance, but we do our best to guide dancers to a class that fits their needs. Students may place themselves in the drop-in class they feel is most appropriate, but if you need help choosing, ask for an instructor at the DJ booth.
Remember: learning to dance WCS is like learning a new language, so we encourage new dancers to take the Beginner class at least 4-8 times and social dance after each class to get a good grasp on the foundation. Trust us- it will make transitioning to Basics & Beyond so much more fun.
For dancers looking to accelerate their learning progress, we recommend our series classes. You and up to 29 of your new best friends sign up to learn together with one set of instructors for 4 weeks, focusing on a specific topic. Learn more here!
Both the Beginner and Basics & Beyond drop-in classes are offered every Wednesday night at the VFW. Come right in, no pre-registration required! (but we do recommend paying online for faster check-in)
Arriving to class on time
Please note that we close the doors for our 8:15pm drop-in classes at 8:25pm so that latecomers don’t disrupt the class. If you arrive after 8:25pm, our front desk staff will invite you in at the start of social dancing, usually between 9:15pm-9:30pm. There’s an excellent and reasonably priced bar upstairs with a pool table and seating area while you wait. We appreciate you helping our instructors give the best class possible and preventing issues/injuries caused by latecomers who miss important material.
Our drop-in classes are offered from 8:15pm-9:15pm every single Wednesday at the VFW. Class sizes are not capped- join us any time! Register online by choosing that week’s “Wednesday Dance” or register at the door (please note that we do not have a credit card reader on site). Your admission fee includes a drop-in class plus social dancing afterwards.
If you’re new to west coast swing or looking to brush up your basics, this is the class for you! We’ll take you from two left feet to social dance champ in one hour flat. Covers left and right side pass, push break, and tuck. We recommend that new dancers take this class at least 4-8 times before transitioning to Basics & Beyond.
Basics & Beyond
It’s time to spice up your basics and learn more complex movements and concepts. We’ll cover technique, partnership skills, whips, turns, and beyond. We recommend that new dancers take Beginner at least 4-8 times before transitioning to Basics & Beyond.
For dancers who want to dedicate some extra time and love to their technique and artistry, our month-long progressive classes are the place to be! These classes require pre-registration for a separate fee All registrations include social dancing for the month; the WCS 100/200 series also include the weekly drop-in classes.
WCS 200 & 300 require an audition in order to join;learn more here.
WCS 100 series (7:00pm-8:00pm at the VFW)
WCS 100 is our beginner-level series and is open to anyone! No previous west coast swing experience needed and those with two left feet are welcome. Over the course of four weeks, you’ll learn basic west coast swing timing, movement, and patterns that will help you feel confident on any dance floor. Registration for this class includes the 8:15pm Beginner drop-in class plus social dancing.
WCS 200 series (7:00pm-8:00pm at the VFW)
WCS 200 classes are for dancers who are already confident in basic west coast swing. We’ll refine your foundational patterns, introduce more complex movements, and practice the higher-level concepts behind how to feel good and have fun while dancing. Registration for this class includes the 8:15pm Beginner or Basics & Beyond drop-in classes plus social dancing. Requires audition to join.
WCS 300 series (7:45pm-9:15pm at Unity Somerville)
WCS 300 classes are for the more experienced dancer looking to take their technical training to the next level. Deep dive into lead-follow theory, movement mechanics, and more to become your best social dancing self! Registration for this class includes social dancing at the VFW. Requires audition to join.
Learn more about the classes, prerequisites, and auditions here.
If you’re looking to learn at a more relaxed pace and change up the topic/teachers every week, drop-in classes for you.
New dancers should start in our weekly Beginner drop-in class. We recommend taking this class at least 4-8 times before trying the Basics & Beyond class.
Basics & Beyond is our weekly drop-in class for dancers who are confident in Beginner material (which usually takes 4-8 classes plus some social dancing).
If you’re looking to accelerate your learning, focus on specific topics, and learn with the same instructors and classmates every week, series classes are for you.
WCS 100 is a 4 week-long class designed to start new dancers off on the right foot (unless you're leading- then... uhhh... it's technically the left foot). No audition, previous dance experience, or partner required!
WCS 200 is a group of six 4 week-long classes for dancers who are confident in WCS 100 material and ready to refine their basics and level up their technique game. WCS 200 is made up of six sections: WCS 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, & 206. Hop in at any point; no need to wait for WCS 201 to roll around again before starting. This class requires an audition in order to join.
WCS 300 is a group of six 4 week-long classes for dancers with a strong foundation in their basics who are ready to push their technical and artistic skills to the next level. WCS 300 is made up of six sections: WCS 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, & 306. Hop in at any point; no need to wait for WCS 301 to roll around again before starting. This class requires an audition in order to join.
All About Our Classes
“We’re fools whether we dance or not, so we might as well dance.”
9:15pm(ish) - 11:45pm social dancing
Live DJs
Every Wednesday
VFW Post 529
Social dancing is the heart and soul of west coast swing. It’s where you find your own style, learn how to adapt to different partners, and experience the joy of improvised lead/follow dancing. Come play with us!
New to social dancing? Read our FAQ.
Our code of conduct defines expectations of attendees, staff, and special guest instructors/performers in order to maintain our fun, safe community environment.