West Coast Swing Series Classes
Do drop-in classes with different students, teachers, and topics every week not quite scratch your learning itch? Are you newer to WCS and eager to dive in head first? Or have you been dancing for a while but feel like you’re missing some key concepts? A progressive class series may be just the ticket!
You and twenty nine of your new best friends sign up to learn together every Wednesday for four weeks! Series classes are held at the VFW or a short walk away at Unity Somerville. We’ll rotate instructors from month to month, but each series will have the same instructor for all four weeks. Series classes are leveled to ensure maximum learning fun. Dancers can move up a level by scheduling an audition or requesting an in-class evaluation when they register for a class at their current level.
WCS 100 (new dancers welcome!)
Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pm at VFW Post 529
WCS 100 is our beginner-level series and is open to anyone! No previous west coast swing experience or partner needed and those with two left feet are welcome. Over the course of four weeks, you’ll learn basic west coast swing timing, movement, and patterns that will help you feel confident on any dance floor. We recommend taking this series at least twice before auditioning for WCS 200.
Prerequisites: none
Time: Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Location: VFW Post 529
Duration: Four weeks
Starts on: the first Wednesday of every month unless otherwise specified
Basic west coast swing patterns including left side pass, right side pass/underarm turn, push break/sugar push, tuck, and basic whip
6 & 8-count timing to a variety of music genres
Dancing with a comfortable frame and hand hold
Having fun on the dance floor!
$60 per 4-week series ($35 current college students with the discount code UNI100). Includes 8:15pm Beginner drop-in class and social dancing for all four weeks of the series.
WCS 200
Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pm at VFW Post 529
WCS 200 classes are for dancers who are already confident in basic west coast swing. We’ll refine your foundational patterns, introduce more complex movements, and practice the higher-level concepts behind how to feel good and have fun while dancing. There are six 4-week sections of WCS 200 and the sections can be taken in any order; no need to wait for 201 to roll around again to get started. We recommend taking all of the sections at least once before auditioning for WCS 300.
Prerequisites: audition (schedule an audition or request an in-class evaluation when you register for the WCS 100 series)
WCS 201: Intro to Frame & Connection
WCS 202: Whip It Good
WCS 203: Partnership & Variations
WCS 204: Special Topics (aka teacher’s choice!)
WCS 205: Turn It Around
WCS 206: Rhythm & Play -
Time: Wednesdays, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Location: VFW Post 529
Duration: Four weeks
Starts on: the first Wednesday of every month unless otherwise specified
WCS 201: March & September
WCS 202: April & October
WCS 203: May & November
WCS 204: June & December
WCS 205: January & July
WCS 206: February & August
WCS 201: Intro to Frame & Connection introduces basic frame and connection concepts that allow us to communicate better with our partners and begin to truly lead and follow (instead of just walking through steps)
WCS 202: Whip It Good introduces basic 8-count timing and whips
WCS 203: Partnership & Variations introduces concepts for communicating effectively with our partners as we learn to create and interpret a wide range of pattern variations
WCS 204: Special Topics is a time for teachers to address concepts that they think would benefit the community that are not otherwise covered regularly in our drop-in or series classes
WCS 205: Turn It Around introduces foundational turning patterns and basic solo and partnered turning mechanic
WCS 206: Rhythm & Play focuses on foundational musicality concepts including straight and swung timing, efficient movement with walks and triples, and communication skills that will allow dancers to be musical and have fun to blues, pop, and beyond
$60 per 4-week series ($35 current college students with the discount code UNI200). Includes 8:15pm Beginner or Basics & Beyond drop-in class and social dancing for all four weeks of the series.
WCS 300
Wednesdays, 7:45pm-9:15pm at Unity Somerville
WCS 300 classes are for the more experienced dancer looking to take their technical training to the next level. Deep dive into lead-follow theory, movement mechanics, and more to become your best social dancing self! There are six 4-week sections of WCS 300 and the sections can be taken in any order; no need to wait for 301 to roll around again to get started.
Prerequisites: audition (schedule an audition or request an in-class evaluation when you register for the WCS 200 series)
WCS 301: Lower Body Mechanics
WCS 302: Frame & Connection
WCS 303: Macro Musicality & Partnership
WCS 304: Special Topics (aka teacher’s choice!)
WCS 305: Micro Musicality & Styling
WCS 306: Lead & Follow Anything -
Time: Wednesdays, 7:45pm-9:15pm
Location: Unity Somerville
Duration: Four weeks
Starts on: the first Wednesday of every month unless otherwise specified
WCS 301: March & September
WCS 302: April & October
WCS 303: May & November
WCS 304: June & December
WCS 305: January & July
WCS 306: February & August
WCS 301: Lower Body Mechanics is a detailed exploration of the hips, legs, knees, ankles, and feet for pain-free dancing that is both technically sound and aesthetically pleasing
WCS 302: Frame & Connection focuses on communicating effectively with our partners to set ourselves up for more advanced musical movement
WCS 303: Macro Musicality & Partnership focuses on structuring your dancing to the music and allowing both partners to contribute to the flow of the dance
WCS 304: Special Topics is a time for teachers to address concepts that they think would benefit the community that are not otherwise covered regularly in our drop-in or series classes
WCS 305: Micro Musicality & Styling focuses on individual movement within the flow of the dance to start “decorating”, finding your personal style, and dancing to the music
WCS 306: Lead & Follow Anything focuses on more advanced lead-follow dynamics to create variations and explore new movement collaboratively
$65 per 4-week series ($35 current college students with the discount code UNI300). Includes social dancing at the VFW for all four weeks of the series.
Auditions for WCS 200 & 300? Sounds scary…
We promise they’re not- auditions help us place you in a class with folks at a similar place in their dance journey for maximum learning fun!
By far the easiest way to move up a level: all you have to do is click a button and show up to class!
When you register for a series class, you’ll see a check box asking if you’d like to be evaluated for the next level of class (ex. in WCS 100 class registration, it will ask if you’d like to be evaluated for the WCS 200 class). Your teachers will quietly observe your skills in class and on the social floor over the course of the month and let you know at the end if you can move up to the next level of class.
Once you qualify for a level as a leader or follower, you don’t have to audition for that level in that role ever again. If you want to take the class in the other role, please audition in that role. Here's a detailed breakdown of the skills we look for.
Click here to schedule an audition
Scheduled auditions are intended for dancers who feel ready to jump straight into a higher-level class without working their way up from WCS 100. At an in-person audition, you’ll have two opportunities for you to show your stuff: a brief one-on-one audition with an instructor plus an observation of your social dancing (we try to be subtle, promise!). This allows us to both feel your connection and see what you dance like when you’re relaxed and having fun. For video auditions, an instructor will review your video and get back to you within 5 business days. Sign up for an audition or submit your video audition here!
Once you qualify for a level as a leader or follower, you don’t have to audition for that level in that role ever again. If you want to take the class in the other role, please audition in that role. Here's a detailed breakdown of the skills we look for.
Click here to schedule an audition
Must execute a recognizable left side pass, underarm turn, push break, and tuck
Must demonstrate an adequate understanding of frame
Appropriate tone in the arm most of the time (not overly engaged or overly lax)
Demonstrates appropriate hand hold most of the time
Bend in the elbow/arm not fully extended on 6
Must demonstrate an adequate understanding of the shape of basic 6-count patterns
Stretch and compression must exist in some form and in approximately the correct spots in each 6-count basic
Partners appropriately navigate the slot at least half of the time
Leaders: opening the door for passes, staying on the slot for push break and tuck
Followers: traveling in a relatively straight line, rotating in the requested direction
Both: visual attention directed towards partner and/or ensuring partner’s safety
Must demonstrate an adequate understanding of basic 6-count rhythms
Steps and body movement should approximate the beat of the music
The full 6-count movement should be demonstrated at least half of the time
Leader initiates the next pattern after the full 6-count basic
Follower waits to step forwards when requested rather than anticipating the lead
Click here to schedule an audition
Must execute a left side pass, underarm turn, push break, tuck, basic whip, inside turn, outside turn, starter step, and pickups and send outs from closed. Additional variations allowed
Must demonstrate an adequate understanding of the shape of basic 6- and 8-count patterns
Stretch and compression are applied consistently and at an adequate level such that basic lead-follow dancing is occurring at least half of the time
Leader steps with their hand and body in the direction they are asking their follower to travel
Follower listens for redirection cues rather than anticipating the lead
Partners end each 6- or 8- count with at least a slight bend in the elbow
Partners appropriately navigate the slot most of the time
Visual attention focused on either the partner or ensuring the partner’s safety
Basic whip is executed as a slotted movement
Adequate transition between starter step and basic WCS
Must demonstrate an excellent understanding of basic 6- and 8-count rhythms
Steps and body movement should closely match the beat of the music
Dancers initiate movements on the downbeat the majority of the time
The full 6- and 8-count movements should be demonstrated the vast majority of the time
Leader initiates the next pattern after the full basic
Follower waits to redirect when requested rather than anticipating the lead
Dual Role Learning
We don’t like dancers learning both roles- we love it!
Want to learn west coast swing as both a leader and a follower? Wonderful! In our series classes, we consider each role separately rather than mushing them together. Successfully auditioning for a class in one role does not automatically mean a dancer can take that same in the opposite role; please audition for each role independent of the other.
When you register for class, we ask that you pick one role and stick with it for the duration of the series. If the class has an imbalance of leaders and followers and you are willing to change roles to balance the class, please inform the instructor of your willingness to switch and only do so if they specifically request.
Join Us For Class
Registration opens the first Wednesday of the prior month (ex. June registration opens the first Wednesday of May); registration closes 48 hours before the start of the first class